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RescueSkills News

Latest 18 news stories:


Statement on the change of instructions for using EpiPen®

We have recently been asked about reports on social media about a change in the procedure for the use of EpiPen®s, which reduced the injection time, and at that time had to make it clear that the advice was only for the Audstralian and US market devices.

Subsequently, Meda Pharmaceuticals Ltd, the device suppliers in the UK have issued the attached statement on their website, reducing the administration time for new UK devices.


Schools to be allowed to keep an emergency Adrenaline Auto-Injector (AAI) from October 2017

New legislation was passed in Westminster recently to allow schools in the UK to keep spare adrenaline auto-injectors (AAIs) for emergency use. The legislation comes into effect from 1st October 2017.


Statement on use of Resuscitation Council (UK) Oct 2015 protocols

As of the 1st January 2017, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE) would like first aid training providers to make it very clear on their websites and other publications that they are using the most current, up-to-date, first aid and resuscitation protocols


Paediatric First Aid Courses Update

As of the 1st January 2017, our Paediatric First Aid courses will be changing slightly.

This will bring them into line with new guidance introduced in the last few days by the Department for Education.

All existing certificates issued will continue to be valid until their normal expiry date.


UK Government formally announces 'Millie's Mark'

The UK Government, through the Department for Education, have today formally announced the launch of "Millie's Mark", and a change in paediatric first aid legislation for those involved in childcare establishments.

As of 1st September 2016, all Level 2 or Level 3 qualified childcare staff employed to look after children will be required to hold a relevant Paediatric First Aid qualification.


HSE Update - June 2016 ebulletin

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) have today released their June 2016 First Aid ebulletin.

Contained in it are a few significant (and exciting) changes coming up in the legislation, and some guidance for extended training in dealing with cardiac arrest, including the use of defibrillators (AEDs), catastrophic bleeding, and when training may or may not be appropriate in these areas, and also the use of some blended learning (usually e-learning) in workplace first aid courses.


iHampshire Directory

We are pleased to be now listed in the iHampshire directory, and welcome customers finding us from there!


Heartbleed Vulnerability

A small number of our customers have (quite rightly) questioned about any vulnerabilties on our website following the recent Heartbleed vulnerability scare that rocked the internet. We were aware of the vulnerability within several hours of it being discovered, and were ready to patch our servers, but were reassured to know that we were not in fact using the version of OpenSSL that was vulnerable. You can therefore rest, assured that your personal data remains secure with us.


Hampshire Chamber of Commerce Member

I am delighted to have joined Hampshire Chamber of Commerce as a member. The events that I have attended so far have been really useful, and I look forward to doing business with some of their members, and training more staff in Hampshire in first aid. JRD


New First Aid course dates listed

As promised the other day, I've now had a chance to book some more dates for the room at "Everyone Active - Fareham Leisure Centre" for some more "First Aid at Work", and "Emergency First Aid at Work" courses, and these are now available for booking via our website.


New First Aid course dates listed

A couple of new public course dates have just been added to our site - book via our shop site.

These courses are for "Emergency First Aid at Work" and "First Aid at Work", being held in Fareham in March and April 2014.


Internet service outage

We are very sorry that customers have been unable to access our website, or send us emails over the last few days. This was caused by roadworks in Portsmouth which severed cables providing our internet services. Our website and email servers are hosted on our own servers, and the total loss of services meant that they became completely isolated and inaccessible whilst the damage was being repaired.


UK Register of Learning Providers and The Learning Records Service

We are pleased to announce that we are now registered with the UK Register of Learning Providers (UK Provider Reference Number 10040347), and with The Learning Records Service, for verifying and registering students Unique Learner Numbers.

This is part of the process towards signing with awarding organisations for delivering the Ofqual courses for First Aid at Work with the expected de-regulation of the HSE approved courses in April.


Server outage

Earlier on today we experienced torrential rain in the area and lots of flooding. During this period we appear to have suffered a power brown-out which had caused problems with our web and email servers. The faults have now been corrected and everything is back on-line correctly.

We would like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused to our customers.


New phone number

We now have our new phone number for the business. Please call us on 07765 533767. Please note that if we are teaching, or in the swimming pool, we are unable to answer the phone. Email is still the best way to get hold of us, and we will happily call you back when we can.


Now taking bookings for first aid courses.

We are now taking unrestricted bookings for first aid, AED, and BLS with adjuncts (medical gases) courses.


We have joined Facebook

We have joined Facebook, allowing news and updates to be easily broadcast to our clients and friends.


NPLQ Update

On the 16th February 2012 we attended an update for RLSS Trainer/Assessors.

There are a total of 18 news items in the database - some may be time expired.

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